Sunday, August 30, 2009

I Wanna Honda!

The guys have been after me forEVER! They wanted a bike for deer season instead of a four wheeler....they finally found what they are calling " the most amazing deal" and brought it home today!

My brothers would be proud......I could have hopped on and done just fine :) Andrew took a while to figure out the clutch and gears...but he's a quick study! Look at him go!

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Before the Flowers Fade

It was a perfect amount of light...following a rain and I couldn't help but notice how beautiful the flowers in the garden were. Thought I would take a picture before they "Fall"

This is the "Rose of Sharon". It will produce this beauty even in the harshest environment. Not unlike Jesus....that is why He is called the Rose of Sharon.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Lily" Pretty

There are actually five flowers on this plant right now.......record year! God has subtle ways of reminding me to slow down" smell the roses" ... (lilies) and magnificent ways to show how awesome He is......dare you to try and create one of these......

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Meet Alice

This is Alice....Andrew worked cutting lawns this summer to make this purchase...Alice the Ferret. No, I do not know why he named her Alice?????? He is the collector of animals I am the vacuum"er" of pet fur! And Yes to those who may wonder the dogs actually seem to like her....go figure I was thinking ...small rodent.....quick snack....I was wrong...imagine?

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"How to Wash A Ferret"

Step 1: Fill a tub with warm Ferret in water and allow it to cannot climb out to the tub because it is too smooth a surface. Step 2: Take note of this fact should you need to plop the pesty varmet in there to ensure it cannot escape at a later date.

Step 3: Buy expensive cucumber scented Ferret shampoo and apply generously. Massage and lather the coat well.

Step 4: Take note that cucumber will NOT mask the smell of a ferret and that you need to stop and open a savings account for future Ferret purchases that will probably not work well if at all.

Step 5: Rinse well
Step 6: Take note that watching a Ferret paddle around the tub will be about the only "cute" thing involved in the "Washing Of A Ferret"
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46.6 Pounds.....

The dogs needed food...they always need food... that's not the point:) Randy carried in the new bag and made the comment that it weighs what he has lost....... so I made him pose for a few shots.... he complained a bit but I think it is a neat way (weigh) to do a before and after.....don't you?

Keep in mind the bag is an even 40 lbs.... so I guess I could have made him balance six and a half pounds of make it totally accurate.........

Looking good handsome!

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Andie is Just a LITTLE SURPRISED!!

Wonder what she's looking at?



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Here it is!!!!!!!

It's all mine!

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It Came In The Mail!

Okay that's too cool......... lookwhat arrived in the mail box on the same day as she gets her car!

Kinda excited!!!!!....I believe the direct quote was.." This is shaping up to be the best day of my LIFE!"

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The Maiden Voyage!

So we put both kids in the new car and let them drive home alone......I was busy shooting ( documenting the first fender bender...just kidding!)

She made it!!! Okay I am overly happy but she's in the driveway now what can happen!?!

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