Saturday, April 10, 2010

Can I "handle " it ?

I had a very unusual dream the other night....suitcase handles...( for those of you who may wonder I did not eat pizza or spicy foods before I retired that evening :)
There were all kinds of handles, on many cases. Some were tiny, others middle sized, others enormous! In my dream many hands ,also of different sizes, tried to pick up these cases.Some were successful, others had to struggle.
I woke up thinking that responsibility in our lives is alot like these cases. When children are young we offer cases ( responsibilities) that are small. They start out with a light load. As we grow we desire responsibility....I have teenagers that often want responsibility ,but the burden proves to be too much and they need help or drop things miserably. As adults the burden of responsibility can be great. Oh we have learned a few tricks over the years about the "balancing act" but there are real moments of heaviness aren't there?( just keepin it real)
Waking up that morning I also had a rush of emotion...that His mercies are new every morning, that my Father's promises are forever and His peace is all I need. What ever the heaviness, the responsibility, the burden ,the load...He knows what we can bear and promises never to leave us......I can "handle" that!
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1 comment:

Kristin said...

Have you read Max Lucado's "Traveling Light"? I read it several years ago. Your thoughts on the luggage we carry and hand off to our children sounds like some of what I remember from that book. I think I need to go dig it up and read it again! :0)